Showing 1 - 25 of 240 Results
The simplicity of Christ's teachings: set forth in sermons by Brooks, Charles Timothy ISBN: 9781116509687 List Price: $31.99
The simplicity of Christ's teachings: set forth in sermons by Brooks, Charles Timothy ISBN: 9781116509700 List Price: $32.75
Roman Rhymes : Being winter work for a summer Fair by Brooks, Charles Timothy ISBN: 9781171722229 List Price: $17.75
Max and Maurice, a Juvenile History in Seven Tricks by Busch, Wilhelm, Brooks, Cha... ISBN: 9781171843085 List Price: $17.75
Plish and Plum : From the German of Wilhelm Busch by Busch, Wilhelm, Brooks, Cha... ISBN: 9781177177320 List Price: $17.75
Poet and Merchant : A picture of life from the times of Moses Mendelssohnc by Auerbach, Berthold, Brooks,... ISBN: 9781178043242 List Price: $37.75
Songs of Field and Flood by Brooks, Charles Timothy ISBN: 9781175809933 List Price: $17.75
Life of St Vincent de Paul : Founder of the Congregation of the Mission, and of the Sisters ... by Collet, Pierre, PV: Brooks,... ISBN: 9781176426696 List Price: $32.75
Songs of Field and Flood by Brooks, Charles Timothy ISBN: 9781276468169 List Price: $17.75
Simplicity of Christ's Teachings : Set Forth in Sermons... by Brooks, Charles Timothy ISBN: 9781276944540 List Price: $32.75
Schiller's Homage of the Arts : With Miscellaneous Pieces from Ruckert, Freiligrath, and Oth... by Schiller, Friedrich, Brooks... ISBN: 9781166960322 List Price: $17.56
Convicts and Their Children by Auerbach, Berthold, Brooks,... ISBN: 9781166991180 List Price: $23.16
Schiller's Homage of the Arts : With Miscellaneous Pieces from Ruckert, Freiligrath, and Oth... by Schiller, Friedrich, Brooks... ISBN: 9781167072413 List Price: $29.56
Convicts and Their Children by Auerbach, Berthold, Brooks,... ISBN: 9781167105166 List Price: $35.16
Poet and Merchant : A Picture of Life from the Times of Moses Mendelssohn (1877) by Auerbach, Berthold, Brooks,... ISBN: 9781167136610 List Price: $42.36
Simplicity of Christ's Teachings : Set Forth in Sermons (1859) by Brooks, Charles Timothy ISBN: 9781167225369 List Price: $25.56
Simplicity of Christ's Teachings : Set Forth in Sermons (1859) by Brooks, Charles Timothy ISBN: 9781167295348 List Price: $37.56
German Lyric Poetry (v. 1); A Collection of Songs and Ballads, Tr. From the Best German Lyri... by Brooks, Charles Timothy ISBN: 9781150065972 List Price: $23.46
The Controversy Touching the Old Stone Mill, in the Town of Newport, Rhode-Island; With Rema... by Brooks, Charles Timothy ISBN: 9780217678292 List Price: $20.00
Titan: A Romance, Volume 1 (German Edition) by Paul, Jean, Brooks, Charles... ISBN: 9781145350182 List Price: $41.75
The Layman's Breviary, Or Meditations for Every Day in the Year: From the German of Leopold ... by Schefer, Leopold, Brooks, C... ISBN: 9781142145231 List Price: $37.75
Schiller's Homage of the Arts; With Miscellaneous Pieces From Rckert, Freiligrath, and Other... by Brooks, Charles Timothy ISBN: 9780217044417 List Price: $16.00
The Layman's Breviary: Or Meditations for Every Day in the Year by Schefer, Leopold, Brooks, C... ISBN: 9781142113360 List Price: $37.75
The Layman's Breviary,: Or Meditations for Every Day in the Year by Schefer, Leopold, Brooks, C... ISBN: 9781143478932 List Price: $37.75
Titan: A Romance, Volume 1 by Paul, Jean, Brooks, Charles... ISBN: 9781145456662 List Price: $40.75
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